Monday, April 17, 2006

LIAR! LIAR! : Exposing the Lies in Everyday Products

By Ainslie Pearsall

Humans’ ability to lie comes second nature. It is reflected in our consumer culture, where dishonesty and deception have become commonplace. My thesis takes you on a tour of deceptive products from little white lies like push-up bras and wood laminates, generally considered benign, to more harmful acts of deceit, such as counterfeit goods, defective parts and products made with hazardous materials that hide their environmental and social impact from the consumer. As a result, all of my designs have a common thread: dispersing information to raise consumer awareness of the risks, harms and environmental costs found in these deceptive products. By providing consumers with accurate information, they can better assess a product’s true quality, make better informed decisions about the products they buy, and have the ability to change their consumptive habits to reflect a more honest lifestyle.

Feeling betrayed? Email Ainslie.